
6,999 Monthly
  • Standard Typesetting
  • Cover Designing
  • ISBN
  • Printing
  • Sales and Distribution: On Amazon & Flipkart
  • Kindle E-book
  • Inventory Management
  • Monthly Sales Report
  • Project Manager


14,999 Monthly
  • Proofreading*
  • Standard Typesetting
  • Cover Designing
  • ISBN
  • Printing
  • Sales and Distribution: On Amazon & Flipkart
  • Kindle E-book
  • Amazon Paid Promotion
  • Inventory Management
  • Monthly Sales Report
  • Project Manager
  • Author Copies: 2


24,999 Monthly
  • Editing*
  • Proofreading*
  • Standard Typesetting
  • Cover Designing
  • ISBN
  • Printing
  • Sales and Distribution: On Amazon & Flipkart
  • Kindle E-book
  • Instagram Promotion
  • Amazon Paid Promotion
  • Amazon Verified Purchase Reviews: 50
  • Goodreads Reviews: 50
  • Inventory Management
  • Monthly Sales Report
  • Author Copies: 4
Author's Choice


49,999 Monthly
  • Editing*
  • Proofreading*
  • Standard Typesetting
  • Cover Designing
  • ISBN
  • Printing
  • Sales & Distribution: On Amazon & Flipkart
  • Kindle E-book
  • Instagram Promotion
  • Amazon Paid Promtotion
  • Amazon Verified Purchase Reviews: 50
  • Goodreads Reviews: 50
  • Author Interview
  • Inventory Management
  • Monthly Sales Report
  • Author Copies: 10
*The above packages contain editing upto 15k words and proofreading upto 25k words.