Womb of Wound


Ancy M Varghese





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Womb of Wound’, a collection of 25 poems is a testament to the memories, people, and experiences that have left an indelible mark on my heart. Those who have stayed, and those who have departed, have all contributed to the tapestry of my being, and their presence still resonates within me. They contain the weight of my emotions, nurturing the words that now bleed onto these pages.
These poems are the echoes of my heartache, my joy, my longing, and my love. They are the whispers of my deepest self, born from the wounds that have shaped me into the person I am today. As you read these words, I invite you to enter the womb of my wounds, to witness the beauty and the pain that has transformed me, and to perhaps, find solace in the knowledge that you are not alone in your own struggles.


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