

Srashti Srivastava




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‘विनीSha’ is about the life that the author has lived to date and observed around her that entire time. The people that she met and the experiences that she had plus the way she had felt for the people that she had loved. Poetries happened whenever she felt something deep within and to feel complete she had to write because of that never-ending urge to write those feelings down.

In the words of a poet she describes, “लेखन में रुचि रखने वालों के लिए आसान नही होता जनाब, हर वक़्त कलम अपनी कमी महसूस कराती है । हर वक़्त नए-2 शब्दो को पंक्ति में पिरोने की बात दिल मे आती है। कभी इसको तो कभी उसको अपनी कहानी का शीर्षक बनाने की ललक एक बार फिर लिखने को कह जाती है…”


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