The Whispering Walls


Bimbita Barua




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This book is a thriller, drama and psychology suspense. It’s about a teenager girl who has been through a lot and at the end when she was almost empty. She did something which we couldn’t even imagine. How she was suffering through her life and couldn’t ask for help. When people around her just didn’t care. She cared about those voices around her and those voices cared about her. Ultimately she never knew what was happening and what could happen. Then she decided to act on her thoughts. This book is a thriller, drama and psychology suspense. It’s about a teenager girl who has been through a lot and at the end when she was almost empty. She did something which we couldn’t even imagine. How she was suffering through her life and couldn’t ask for help. When people around her just didn’t care. She cared about those voices around her and those voices cared about her. Ultimately she never knew what was happening and what could happen. Then she decided to act on her thoughts.


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