Leaves of Love


Bibekanand Kumar (Agyat)





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This book is a collection of poetry. This has been written in different stages of life through the author’s own feeling, emotions, observation, experiences and learning in the voyage of life from his adolescence age still now. This book comprises : love, struggle, black nature, nation, relationship, dedication and devotion, spiritual meaning of life. This book deals with how you grow with time and circumstances and these things bring changes in life stage wise if keenly observed.

This book shows that maturity grows with practical living of life. This book deals with reading for pleasure, inspiration, struggle with honesty. This book contains a large portion for struggle for truth and spiritual practices to know oneself through learning, observation and self experience.

This book collects poems about real incidents of life in your relationship, work station, greed and tyranny among the people, about restlessness and peace in love and spiritual awakening. This book for those who rhyme and rythm in free little prosodic and more free verse.

This is much suitable to those enjoy struggle, truth, philosophy of life, experiment and roaming in the nature.

Finally the key things this book contains are: Love – Feeling and Emotion – Honesty – Relationship – Various Aspects of Life – Nature – Philosophy – Spirituality – Struggle and so forth.


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