The Last Chapter


Cynthia Seven (Samprikta Paul)





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Its a book about an mentally abusive and toxic relationship that the author went through. Its all about how she felt, her mind set, what she was made go through. Its usefull for those who have been in abusive or toxic relationships also those who are in one such right now. She wants to let people figure out if they are in such kind of relationship and might be able to fight it all and come out.

“Only one who goes through such will understand the another going through.”

There will be many ups and downs in the healing process but first most important thing is to recognize and realize which is the most difficulat task or say part of it. It takes years 2-8 years sometimes to just let yourself know you deserve better, your better than what your partner makes you think you are.

“Don’t be someone’s punching bag.”

You have a long way to go just work on yourself its painfull and scary but remember you need to do it.


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