The Cat, Girl & Rabbit


Ankita Sharma





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“Things, taken as perceived notions,
were not the exact potions.
Dig deep and find the truth,
by catching the right booth.
This short storybook,
may change your outlook.
If not, then give you some points,
which you may appoint.”

In our life from birth onwards we were brainwashed or some untrue notions were planted in our minds. After which we take everything as it is not at all questioning it. But now we have to question it and take it towards the truth. For this, one needs to be curious as these short story will take you on the journey of deeper thoughts.

So, my dear readers, begin the journey by opening your minds to new true hidden stories. Some give you the meaning of self-realization, some will tell the sacrifices, others will stand for love, friendship, existence, etc.




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