The story revolves around a young boy named Marcel, a spirited young boy, overflowing with passion and dreams that sparkle in his bright, eager eyes. At just thirteen, he radiates an extraordinary drive, his heart brimming with empathy and kindness, effortlessly weaving connections with everyone around him.
While he spends his days at Primrose Ace Academy, he met Paul who shared his dreams and passion and they have become best friends since then. Their bond become stronger and stronger as they living their young life and working towards their dreams until one of them met a formidable foe.
Little does they know that the joy they have will threatened by this enemy who will test their resolve in ways they could never have imagined. Life will be loss; dreams will shatter and life will never be the same anymore, but life must go on. Can death really end someone’s dream or can it break friendship and cripple hope?
This tale unfolds as a vibrant tapestry of ambition, the warmth of cherished friendships, the grit of confronting challenges, and the bittersweet journey of love and grief.
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