Stuffy’s World: The tales of a teddy bear


T Abraham





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Have we ever wondered what is going on in the world of animals, especially amongst the stuffed animals which everyone of us have in our homes. The journey of three teddy bears are being woven into a collection of thirty short stories and each part has been focussed upon the leading characters. All the thirty tales are woven with the threads of personification which helped in giving persona to all the three characters namely – Stuffy, Pinky and Liddy who are being surrounded and influenced by the members of the stuffed animal world.

At the last part of this book all the things revolve around the human world with the stuffed animals being given only the ability of speech and sense only in a limited manner. Dive into the world of the stuffed animals which is similar to the human world but not the same. Each story would make you delve deep into the world of stuffed animals but finally meets its ends in the human world.