Safar Ae Zindagi







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Safar Ae Zindagi is a poetry book full of emotions faced by the poet at various junctures of poet’s life. some feelings can never be expressed in front of people, they remain suppressed deep somewhere in us.

Words helped me to bring out those feelings which I could never say in front of everyone and kept it within myself.

It is actually my first book; this book is a culmination of my deepest thoughts over my high school years.

If you are looking for answers, this poetry book may not have all of them. It cannot tell you how to find your purpose in life or the secret to happiness, it also cannot tell you the difference between right and wrong decisions for problems in your life.

But what it can do is this: it can be a book of poems for you to read during your emotion break, it can make you smile a little and it can be a companion while you ponder over the problems in your life and try to find the perfect solution.


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