Our Last Autumn


Shreesha Khare





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Autumn is all about fall and it is also the beginning of something new. In one leaf, we see different shades of colours. Similarly, relationships which feel like the whole world to us and when they give us pain where we can’t even make a noise, tears are only way to carry long nights. With every night, you feel your pain is taking turns and twist. It is a way of talking about a pain that I want to be expressed, that fall shows you different colours of what you can do.

In this poetry book, I portrayed a shade of poetry writing which I discovered through the wounds of relationships. I turned my wounds into a new spring of words. It is a reflection what I felt in each season and majorly during Autumn where everything ended and also marks the beginning of me as a poet musings as well.

Autumn, which is always a beginning of something new in my life and ending like a layer of an onion. It is a projection how one can project their emotions in any form just as raw, authentic, vulnerable and true to yourself. Relationships are the medium as a mirror which works for us not against us, it all depends what meaning you drive from it.


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