Navras: A Journey


Binta Elsa John





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Navras: a word meaning nine emotions taken from the word ”Navarasa” that is often used in Indian art forms to portray the nine basic emotions of a human. This poetry book aims at going through the nine emotions in various premises with the aid of poetry. The nine emotions are as follows: Shringara, Veera, Roudra, Haasya, Bhayanaka, Karuna, Bheebhatsya, Adbhutha, Santha The way these emotions come to play is heavily dependent on the age, gender, history of the entity involved yet certain emotions like roudra, anger and bhayanaka; fear are universal. As we grow older the meaning of each emotion changes and their value is cherished and their importance are often told and retold. In this book of poems, a play of words is used to describe instances from everyday life and some told to narrate larger than life incidences. This English poetry book, is in fact a journey of adulting.


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