This novel revolves around “Jessy A Cyril” and the characters who get linked to her in different aspects of her life and the hardship she goes through in her life because of her inability to control her mind and the voice which constantly reminds her that she will never be enough and how she tries to come out of it.
To know it all is impossible but the world implies that it is somehow a bare minimum requirement to “fit in” and the pressure this creates cannot be handled by all, she tries to advocate in her own possible ways that every individual is unique and the subject matter that intrigues one person might be completely different from another and this fact should be embraced by everyone then this world will be a place for everyone to fit in and grow in those aspects of life which is important and unique to them.
The world can be overwhelming, what to do next can be a pretty daunting thought, To figure out who you are and what’s your purpose in life is very important to reach a point of self actualization,This is a whole journey by itself and every other things that happens to you along this journey are just add ons.
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