Heart never lie


Sanjoli Agarwal





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Heart never lie.


Indulge in the world of emotions with our exquisite Shayari book. Each page is a lyrical journey through the depths of love, pain, and passion.

In the tapestry of life, every moment, every experience teaches us valuable lessons, and love, in its own way, is a profound teacher. It has the power to bring immense joy but can also lead to pain, a pain that can either cripple us or empower us, depending on how we choose to perceive it. I’ve stumbled and fallen many times on my life’s journey, but I’ve come to understand that these zigzag lines are, in fact, the essence of life itself. Life is a dynamic interplay of two opposing forces: positive and negative energy.

This book is divided into three parts: A, B, and C, each offering a unique perspective on life, love, and the human experience.

In Part A, I share the raw experiences of life’s challenges, the battles we face both externally, in the world, and internally, within ourselves. It’s a journey of transformation, turning pain into motivation, and cultivating the strength to rise above adversity.

Part B introduces a dream person, a soulmate who resides in the depths of my heart, though our paths have yet to cross in reality. This soulmate is a beacon of hope, a reminder that some connections transcend physical presence and remain etched in the soul.

Finally, in Part C, I lay bare my authentic experiences of love, grounded in truth and unwavering loyalty. These stories serve as a testament to the genuine emotions that bind us as human beings.

As you read, you’ll find echoes of your own life experiences within these pages, connecting your journey to mine. In the grand symphony of life, these stories and verses are the notes that compose our shared melody, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love.


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