Veer, a student of Rajasthan University, comes to Mumbai with his department’s H.O.D (Prabhakar Sir). There he meets his childhood friend Rohit who works as a video editor in Alpha News channel. Veer and his friend are returning home through the streets of Mumbai when they come across some people who are stopping the vehicles passing by because their people are offering Namaaz on the road ahead. Veer does not like their actions and he beats all of them and drives them away from there. Rohit calms Veer down and brings him home. The next day Veer comes to Narayana College to attend the seminar and Rohit comes to Alpha News channel office to work. After attending the seminar for a few hours, Veer comes to Alpha News to meet his friend where Veer comes to know that a debate is going to take place and a seat in the audience is vacant and it is necessary for someone to sit on it. Then under Rohit’s pressure Veer sits on the audience seat.
Jessica comes to host the debate and she calls Shashidhar Pandey from the right wing and Maulana Shoaib Ali Khan from the left wing and the debate begins between them. Both had answers to prove their point but there comes a time when Maulana loses his temper and says many wrong things. Veer gets angry at this and while answering Maulana’s questions, he says, “If Tipu Sultan had not died at the hands of the British that day, today we would have definitely got the third Pakistan.” Maulana leaves the debate in the middle and goes from there. After Maulana leaves, everyone applauds Veer. Maulana comes to his house in anger and issues a fatwa in Veer’s name. Due to which people from fatwa groups across the country start chasing Veer to kill him. They decide on three places to attack- Rohit’s house, Veer’s house in Veer’s city and Galaxy Hotel in Mumbai
Will Veer be able to save himself, his family and his friends from these attacks or will someone kill him?
Read the full story to know.
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