Between Her and The Void







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“Between Her and the Void” is a heartbreaking journey of love, loss, and the in-between. Told in a mix of poetic lines and reflective narrative, this book peels the tender path of a love that was once endless but now exists as a shadow in the void. With each chapter, it chronicles the gradual, stunning fall into love, followed by the heartbreaking discovery of its futility. The words not only capture the existence of love, but also its bittersweet absence—the emptiness it leaves, the memories that will not go away. With raw feelings and unvarnished truth, Between Her and the Void explores the times that define us, the times that destroy us, and the times we bear with us for eternity. It is for every human being who has ever loved with abandon, lost with anguish, and sought purpose in the wake. A book that doesn’t merely read but makes you feel it, poem by poem.


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