A Bundle Of Poetries


Janet Lee





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“Through the darkest phase of life as I pen down my thoughts into poetries all I ever wondered is “Feeling nothing and everything all at once, is it just me or we are somewhere alike…?” This book contains the different emotions one goes through in the hard phases of life, not only in a break up but in general life. It carries a roller coaster of emotions of giving up or choosing to be strong.

It is using poetry as a platform to express one’s mental suffering and growth through it. As life walks hand in hand with both sorrow and joy it will be safe to say that this book carries more of the sorrows that the writer’s life had to offer at the time it was written and she somewhere strongly believes there are more out there who will connect to these feelings and that it would make one feel a little less lonely to know we somewhere share these emotions and go through them in silence unaware that it is okay to feel them. Most of us can’t express our thoughts through words when in pain but believe me when we do it surely turns into something beautiful – An art; be it a portrait, a song, a story or a Bundle of Poetries.


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