Amidst Chaos, A Ray of Hope


N M Varchaswini





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Life is unfair sometimes, Life is unpredictable with unavoidable circumstances, and Life is our bleak future.

Our lives revolve around human relationships, where we try to sustain and balance them, often negating to self-love, and self-appreciate. The book delves into the importance of understanding oneself amongst other relationships, on how to cope up, how to become resilient and adorn oneself with confidence along with a hat of hope. These become our quintessential things that helps us to survive throughout our life. We need to trust ourselves, and trust the process before jumping the gun.

“Amidst Chaos, A Ray of Hope” book delves into the paradoxes of emotions that we often face in our lives. Hoping that this book will become a go-to companion to understand love, relationship, friendships, tragedies and myriad such complexities of life as it tries to search and seek answers on how to resolve such complexities, and try to find self-love, sustain and survive in life through love, and family.


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