

Jill Shah




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There is something about arts that survives the story of time. Even in it’s silence, an opera of emotions thrive. It exists eternally beyond confines of the clock- it’s pendulum ticking between fond memories and yearning dreams.

Arts is the chatter of history, symbol of love, song of sorrow, dance of the daring, poetry of the patriot, prayer of hope, painting of the nature, delicacy of a festival. You can neither define it in words or imprison it in judgements. It is secular for everyone to participate and rejoice in. It knows no religion, gender, age or any modern boundary created by mankind.

It is a form of expression of what lies within the heart and thus it shall keep beating eternally and forever through people willing to see beyond the horizons. This book is a collection of poems in many genres, ranging from people-centric to life-related and observing the world from my perspective. It is a thought of an introvert, where their is a long distance relationship between what is actually happening and what we feel.


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