Home For The Hearts


Dhanya Muraleekrishnan





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Just a girl with messed up thoughts and words trying to form something meaningful and create her place and meaning. When you read this book it will feel like a home. It can feel like heartbreak, home, comfort, sadness everything and all you ever feel in life. All the emotions and feelings are in this book just written in words and phrases. Trust me when i say this, whatever situation you are in write it down, your feelings, anger, grief. Just a pen and paper does wonders.

You are not alone. This book will contain all the emotions everyone goes through. Life puts you through a roller coaster of highs and deep lows, go easy on yourself, just one step at a time. You’ll find highs of happiness, excitement, realisation, broken promises and hopes, but you’ll also be free at the end, trust me time heals.


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