I’m with you always & forever


Sweeti H. Markana





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There are many phases of time, some good, some bad, some memorable, some frightening, some miserable, some cheerful but time teaches us most lessons in our life’s journey. Sometimes we are influenced by society, sometimes by relatives, sometimes by strangers, sometimes by environment, in some way or another. And yet you all know that during Covid’s tough times everyone was affected in some way or the other. Someone’s life has changed and someone has been forced to live differently. But what affected me the most was that young people died, and many children lost their mother or father or both the parents forever. A mother is always afraid of death, not for her life but for leaving behind her child knowing that nobody will love, guide and care for them like she did. Because I am the mother of an only child, I am also afraid to go away from her, but life is uncertain and we can’t change what is already written. But we can give our thoughts to our children so that they can live their life well even in our absence. In this self-help book, I have tried to describe the lessons life teaches us for their guidance and wisdom, strength to overcome fear of the unknown, to focus on staying motivated through struggles and preparing them for life’s hardships so that they can choose the right path in any difficult situations in their life.


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