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We all have limitless potential to love more than we think we can. Love is an experience that takes you through the cosmos, making you feel nonexistent, which is true because we are only a minuscule part of our giant expanding universe; when you love someone, you are just a traveller in your lover’s realm, an observer creating realities. To love is the most difficult and easiest effort you can make. Love should not be what you feel, but what you make them feel. I believe the universe is expanding because we generate energies. Humans, planets, stars, and black holes are all spinning and moving, creating our macrocosm. The human soul contributes to the expansion by loving. The next time you feel something growing out of your body’s ability to hold, you are only adding to the universe. You, your ability to love, and your energy are creating this universe. We need to remember, we are more than just some stardust in this universe, we are the creators.


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