Men & Mistakes’ – Story of an exploited woman


K. Vineela Sushmitha





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This book, as the title suggests, is about a woman, i.e., an exploited adolescent who battled her own conflicts to progress from a wild adolescent to a responsible woman. This featured several real-life situations; no character is mentioned by their real names, and no one has been defamed in any way.

To summarize, the narrative revolves around a young woman in her undergrad, the guy she met, the episodes that occur between them, various individuals involved, how she was exploited, and what she had to endure. It’s raw, so there might not be too much more drama involved. It’s just the tale, the Author wanted to share to people that have gone through similar things, to help them understand that they are not alone.

Everyone, whether men or women, wants to be heard, yet they may not be. Many tales go unwritten because people believe they are too trivial to mention, yet nothing is too small, that have wounded you for years. This is one such experiment that might be connected to many untold stories.

This book isn’t anti-men or pro-men; it’s simply an attempt to help, both men and women understand, that leaving one behind, without answers, may ruin them to unthinkable levels.


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